Here is how I experienced LOST 6x06 "Sundown",
--Sayid flash-sideways:I love Nadia (yeah we know)In a nutshell, it was Sideways Sayid doing what Sayid always does (killing people and loving Nadia) followed alongside Sayid walking around back and forth from the temple, and concluded with the smoke monster attacking the camp. LAME.
--Sayid banished
--commercial break
--flash-sideways: I love Nadia
--Sayid not banished
--commercial break
--flash-sideways: I love Nadia
--Sayid leaves temple: No cool, revealing answers. We found out why Dogen sent Sayid out, which was a question posed this episode. An example of the "answers" being revealed in season six.
--commercial break
--Sayid flash-sideways:I love Nadia and I kill people
--Sayid comes back to temple
--commercial break
--Shit actually happens except its all crammed into a frantic, sloppily edited seven minutes.
--dumb slow-motion
Anyway, the point is, I say its time for some pay-off. I mean REAL pay-off, things that are clearly fundamental to the bigger picture. I don't mean answers that leave us with new questions, I don't mean answers to shit that was introduced an episode prior, I am talking about answers to what is at the heart of the story.